Fareham nursery appeals decision to revoke its registration after making improvements

The Children's House Montessori has had its registration revoked by Ofsted.The Children's House Montessori has had its registration revoked by Ofsted.
The Children's House Montessori has had its registration revoked by Ofsted.
A FAREHAM nursery is appealing a decision by Ofsted to revoke its licence and says it has now made significant improvements.

The Children’s House Montessori Nursery in West Street was judged inadequate during an inspection in February. The report described the nursery’s safeguarding as ‘ineffective’. One of the key criticisms was failing to obtain Disclosure and Barring Service checks with the report stating ‘significant breaches of statutory requirements compromise children’s safety’. The nursery was given a Welfare Requirements Notice with a directive to improve safeguarding provision by March 21. In April an unannounced return visit found that the nursery had made progress and ‘taken sufficient action to meet the identified breach of the statutory requirement’. The nursery has said that it does not accept the findings of the initial report and is confident that a recent inspection, which was carried out in June and the report of which is due to be published soon, will hopefully see Ofsted’s decision overturned. The nursery remains open as the appeal continues.