Readers react with venom at potential costs to drive around city

air pollution car exhaustair pollution car exhaust
air pollution car exhaust
READERS have reacted to potential charges to drive vehicles around the city with a torrent of anger.

The prospect of paying hard earned cash to ensure the city has clean air has enraged people – especially with vehicles that are not considered compliant potentially being whacked with a £20 fee to drive in the city.

Comments on The NewsFacebook post did not hold back in their fury.

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Patricia Thompson said: ‘Portsmouth will become a ghost town. No businesses will want to come. What about people who work outside Portsmouth but live in town?’

Ashad Uz-Zaman Kadir suggested: ‘Cut the prices of public transport. It’s cheaper to get an Uber/taxi everywhere and takes you straight to your destination.

‘Get rid of diesel buses and invest in electric ones. Certain traffic lights can be turned off at nights. What about the business's inside the chargeable zone, they will out of no choice put up prices. What about delivery drivers for food or parcels. Everytime you order a takeaway expect to see additional charges.’

Kathy Smith fumed: ‘This really p****s me off. If and when they put this in place they will put discounts in the price for all groups of vulnerabilities to include age, disabilities etc.

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‘The only people that will be forced to pay the full whack will be people that can’t afford it. What our city council need to do is look at who gets discounts in other schemes such as free parking etc and give a break to every other person who never falls in to the looked after categories.

‘Before commenting read again what I’ve written. I’m not saying people do not deserve free parking if their health and well-being needs it but this is going to impact people in the pocket.

‘£20 is a lot of money to people that can’t afford it and it’s going to cause more deprivation to a small city where people are already struggling.’

Maureen Gunnell fired: ‘That’s all those on minimum wage, retail workers, those on zero and part-time hours etc etc buggered then. Plus will bus fares go up if they start charging public transport vehicles?’

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Derek Gray Jr. mocked: ‘This will affect Portsmouth. Unlike London, there isn’t really a good reason to visit Portsmouth unless you want a beach full of pebbles.

‘Travel to continental Europe, or visit one or two tourist places. On top of things, London has quite a few travel alternatives.’

Ross Kiddle blasted: ‘Something has to be done to regulate the number of cars. But congestion charging has to be done in tandem with significantly improved public transport.’

Derek Haycock said: ‘Just another excuse to squeeze more money out of the motorist, because they won't improve or reduce the cost of public transport.

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‘That will have a better effect of reducing pollution which is what they say they want oh yes but that won't bring in any more revenue like taxing the motorist will!’

Malcolm Johnstone said: ‘Why would you want to drive into Portsmouth? You are better on the train, it's cheaper than the bus(unless you have a bus pass).

‘You can't park anywhere without paying.........get a moped or use your pushbike. Apart from the seafront Pompey is a s***hole now.’

Darren Russell joked: ‘Government secretly planning on claiming the millions it cost for D Day 75 back with charges more like.’

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Wavie Terrett added: ‘As usual the Government / local authorities are delusional – the normal person cannot afford this...get a grip and stop being an EU puppet.’

Andy Batchford moaned: ‘I wouldn’t drive in Portsmouth even if they gave me £20 a day.’