City of Portsmouth enjoy derby boost

Ian CheshireIan Cheshire
Ian Cheshire
IT WAS the lift they needed as City of Portsmouth beat University of Portsmouth 10-0 in Hampshire League division one.

Defeat in their previous outing had left City looking to bounce back against their local rivals.

After an Ian Cheshire strike hit a foot on the line, Ivan Boswell was on hand to make it 1-0.

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The men in pink got the second when Cheshire struck his shot through the keeper’s legs.

Sam Murray, Luke Parsons and Stuart Avery all added goals quickly in the second half.

The university battled on but some smart saves by Ed Smyth kept the students out.

Murray and Parsons then both claimed another goal.

Rob Boswell netted the eighth goal for City, before Avery put the game to bed with two more to complete his hat-trick and City’s victory.

Coach Chris Wimshurst was impressed with the performance.

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He said: ‘I’m proud of the team, they showed great class and composure to come back from a slow start and prove their quality and ruthlessness.’

City second team lost 10-1 to powerful title-chasers Alton in division three.

Martin King got the consolation for Portsmouth.

The thirds were beaten 13-0 by high-flying Haslemere fourth team in division six.

City fourth team lost 5-1 to United Services Portsmouth in division 10.

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Captain Paul Barnes was happy with the performance despite the score.

He said: ‘I saw the whole team play very fast, attacking, proper hockey.’

Katie Spooner scored twice to lift City of Portsmouth Ladies to a 2-0 victory at Gosport in Hampshire League division two.

Spooner said: ‘Special thank you to Meri Westlake, Clare Boston, and Clemmie Bridges for helping us out due to short numbers, you all had a cracking game.

‘Feeling confident and promotion is still on!’

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Player of the match was jointly awarded to Lauren Civil-Holt, Kate Green and Clemmie Bridges.

The City ladies’ second team lost 8-0 against Havant in division five.

Andrea Barnes impressed on her debut and was named player of the match along with Emma Hand who had a good performance in goal.