I'm no runner, but the pain will be worth it

GREECE IS THE WORD Clare Martin and Jane BuckleGREECE IS THE WORD Clare Martin and Jane Buckle
GREECE IS THE WORD Clare Martin and Jane Buckle
ON SUNDAY I'll be running in one of the the world's oldest marathons, in Athens, Greece.

Starting in the village of Marathon and finishing in one of the world’s oldest stadiums; it is a day I’ve been working towards for months.

According to the legend, the very first marathon took place along this route.

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In 490BC a huge Persian army invaded the small town of Marathon, a battle followed and the Greeks were victorious

A messenger named Pheidippides was sent to Athens to deliver the news of the victory.

The young man ran the 26 miles, delivered his message, and then dropped dead.

According to folklore, this is the inspiration for the marathon race we know today.

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Nervous, excited and at times terrified, I am heading off for what is likely to be one of the toughest physical challenges I’m ever likely to face.

I’m not a runner, never have been, never will be, and don’t even like running much of the time.

However, I’ve spent most of the past six months outside of work and family, running!

There have been two strength and conditioning sessions each week too.

I should have the body of a goddess...